Summer Adventures: Strawberry Picking

It’s summer time! Not that you weren’t already fully aware. During the summer I love to explore Toronto and make some memories that just can’t be made when snow is on the ground. Today was no different as Landon and I headed to a local farm for some strawberry picking !



Is Landon old enough to really enjoy this? No. But I am, and that’s all that matters-right? lol. 

We got our little container and basket and to the fields we went ! I knew that they would be picked from some sort of ground level bush but I did expect them to be a bit higher, and larger ! They were the sweetest (seriously so perfectly sweet) and tiny ! We soon found out we just had been picking in a spot that wasn’t the greatest, as we saw someone else with larger lush berries ! But we still had fun, Landon was a great taste-tester. 


We took a wagon ride over to the fields and back to the market area. Landon seemed to really enjoy it. I sat him down and he danced in his seat. 

Picking strawberries was a great reminder of how we do have the power to make life a little more sweeter! Sometimes we can focus on what we don’t have or the places we wish we could go to, not realizing we have so much at our finger tips ! I’m always thinking of different things to do with Landon to pass the time, and a short drive, and $5 later we have a great little trip, and some strawberries (which he is in love with right now). 

Growing up I had never picked anything, with the expecting of back to school clothes and supplies. So even though he can’t fully appreciate the experience yet, I hope to continue having little adventures like this with him as he grows.



Have you ever been strawberry picking, or any other fruit! I’d love to read about your picking adventures !
