Valentines Books for Children

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover has become a popular phrase when selecting a new book to read; but if we are honest, especially as parents we often do just that. We walk through the book store, library or scan through titles online and we see that book, the one with the beautiful illustration and eye-catching  cover. I am very guilty of this, and often times I end up with something I love. Beyond a nice title, a recommendation is much more trustworthy. Which is exactly what I’d love to provide to you, today. 

Valentine’s Day is coming (no matter when you are reading this, it’s coming- eventually). I love refreshing the book selection for my boys because it makes things interesting for me as the reader, as well as gives them something to look forward to when we have our reading time.

Whether it’s in the middle of the day or before bed, reading is a great way to engage children, stimulate their minds and provide new learning opportunities. This Valentine’s Day I was able to pick up a few books to start my valentines collection. I think we can see photos of shelves filled with books for various seasons and be discouraged about the ones we have, but we all need to start somewhere, so here are my recommendations, four great books for Valentine’s Day !


  1. Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug

  2. Tiny T.Rex and the Perfect Valentine

  3. Love is a Truck

  4. Hug Machine

There are so many things to love about this selection, each book has its own unique story that speaks to the idea of caring, being kind and showing love. 

What I love about the Tiny T.Rex books is how it shows compassion for a friend, and the lengths that Tiny is willing to go to show he cares.  Love is a truck, it’s a cute, rhyme-filled read. As a boy mom I can especially appreciate the mention of different kinds of trucks, all of which are truly loved by my boys.


And Hug Machine was an instant favourite for the boys, the perfect kind of sweet for Valentine’s Day without the unwanted cavities, I promise! 

Do you have a favourite valentine themed book? Let me know so I can add it to my wish list !

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